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Международные организации и их роль в регулировании международных отношений. (The role of international organisations in regulation of the international relations)

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T he emergence and growth of IR was an expression of the legitimate processes of international integration, interweaving and interdependence. T he accelerating globalization will lead to a further increase in the number of IR, especially INGOs. P robably, further institutionalization of the mechanisms of multilateral diplomacy, including the G-7, will take place. I ncreasing the role of MMPOs and… Читать ещё >

Международные организации и их роль в регулировании международных отношений. (The role of international organisations in regulation of the international relations) (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

The core of the latter are production international relations, although they too, like the whole complex of international relations, are derivative, secondary in character.

As a result of the interaction of states among themselves, as well as states with international organizations and international organizations, international political relations arise with each other. In cases when subjects of international law-states and international (intergovernmental) organizations come into this relationship, international legal relations arise between them. Unlike material international relations, international legal relations are superstructural, reflecting the material relations that are developing in the international arena. Before emerging, international legal relations pass through the consciousness of the ruling classes of states, including participants in international organizations, and their willful character finds its concrete expression in the content of international legal norms.

States conclude treaties not only among themselves, but also with international organizations, and the latter also enter into contractual relations with each other as subjects of international law.

In cases where the legal norms affecting international relations stem from international treaties, regardless of which subjects of international law they participate in, legal and contractual relations arise.

Treaty and legal relations are one of the types of international legal relations. Like other international legal relations, contractual and legal relations are a form of economic and other material international relations.

T he emergence and growth of IR was an expression of the legitimate processes of international integration, interweaving and interdependence. T he accelerating globalization will lead to a further increase in the number of IR, especially INGOs.

P robably, further institutionalization of the mechanisms of multilateral diplomacy, including the G-7, will take place. I ncreasing the role of MMPOs and INGOs requires them to develop an appropriate strategy for the management and regulation of the international system. T he cooperation of states within the framework of the IMPO will be increasingly understood as a continuation of the national mechanisms for setting and solving the corresponding tasks.

T his will lead to a rapprochement between the domestic and foreign policies of states. States will show greater willingness to share their sovereignty with the IR, which can contribute to enhancing the role and significance of the latter in international relations.


These are the prospects for the development of the IR and their relationship with national states. Naturally, in a concrete historical reality, these relations will not be subordinated to the strict logic of the ever greater transfer by states of their sovereign rights to the IR. The latter, especially the UN, are justly criticized for systemic inability to manage international relations. Improving the effectiveness of IR actions along the lines of decentralization, rationalization, a thoughtful long-term strategy and constructive cooperation will provide them with a more solid, irreplaceable place in the modern world.

List of referenses.

European integration. Edited by O. Butorina. Moscow: Business Literature, 2011. 720 p.

Kuteinikov AE International intergovernmental organizations. Theoretical and sociological analysis. S.-Pb: St. Petersburg University Press, 2012. 256 p.

K uteinikov AE International intergovernmental organizations. T heoretical and sociological analysis.

S.-P b: St. P etersburg University Press, 2012. — p. 46.

ean integration. Edited by O. Butorina. Moscow: Business Literature, 2011. p. 152.

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  1. List of referenses
  2. European integration. Edited by O. Butorina. Moscow: Business Literature, 2011. 720 p.
  3. Kuteinikov AE International intergovernmental organizations. Theoretical and socio-logical analysis. S.-Pb: St. Petersburg University Press, 2012. 256 p.
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