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Argumental rhetorical questions

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Summarizing the above, it is believed that reasoned rhetorical question is a communicative activity, the purpose of which is to convince the recipient through the support of its position. In the process of argumentation speaking sells itself as a language person involved are his knowledge, common sense, his emotional state, as well as his social status. Reasoned rhetorical question is dynamic… Читать ещё >

Argumental rhetorical questions (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

The argument (Latin: argumentum of the verb arguo — show, it turns out, prove — argument, the evidence, reasoning) is a fragment of utterance (question) that contains the rationale thought. «The basis of argumentative analysis is theoretical conviction that whatever form of speech, we have not taken (whether written or oral, prepared or spontaneous, scientific or everyday), we always find … model, using which people interact with each other, trying to doubtless provide for others expressed their point of view. It is undisputed that in natural language, in the act of speech, every statement, the statement is as such only if it is addressed to another, if it joins in the act of speech, mind and consciousness of the speaker listening. And in this interaction interlocutors assume that the speaker, expressing anything, believes that this should be taken for this listener and there is some justification. «[А.И. Мигунов Семантика аргументативного речевого акта. (диссертация)].

Referring to these reasons, the obvious, it is not always present in speech, even in cases where the speaker is not aware of, so the nature of the speech is always argumentative. Call any argumentative statement is not enough that it was such as to demonstrate its particular logical validity in the context and situation. In argumentative rhetorical question laid logical communication process aimed at substantiation of the position of one person to follow her understanding and acceptance of the other person. This issue presents the reasons for the expression and appreciation of the opponent’s dialogue offers detailed position the speaker. [http://www.bibliotekar.ru/russkiy-yazyk/52.htm}.

Resorting to the terminology validity, any rhetorical question or exclamation can be interpreted as an expression in the language of the speaker specific information to its transmission to the listener, understanding and appreciation of her last. As a result, the validity of any statements intended to certain concepts of education and knowledge of the listener. Argument — it’s a known and clear to the speaker’s reality, with which the statement, signed in the form of a rhetorical question, contains a good deal of evidence and credibility. It should be noted that very often in the speech of the argument is not clearly traced, so the listener or the opponent dialogue efforts must be made to understand. Validity of the rhetorical question can be achieved by such means as well as the language analogy, comparison or metaphor. In using the argument that the speaker intended to exclude any doubt on the part of the listener, change the position, persuade, and, in addition, to encourage the listener to self-resolve the issue. Intellectual activity of the speaker in this time focused on the truth or falsity of the justification of a position expressed by the question. In other words, the speaker argued using a rhetorical question, as the best means of language, trying to influence the opponent. The argument is a speech act, which includes a system of propositions intended to justify or refute any opinion. It is addressed primarily to the mind of the person who is able, judging whether to accept or reject this view.

For argumentativity of questions or statements the following features are important:

  • * argument is always expressed in a language that has the form of spoken or written statements;
  • * argument is a purposeful activity: it has the task of strengthening or weakening of one’s convictions;
  • * argument — it is a social activity because it is directed at another person or other people, involves dialogue and active response on the other hand;
  • * argument assumes rationality of those who perceive it, their ability to rationally weigh the arguments, take them or challenge.

Arguments can be defined as social, intellectual, verbal activity, which serves as the justification or refutation of view, the allegations presented by the system to achieve the approval of the specific audience. [А. П. Алексеев Аргументация. Познание. Общение, 149]. Including in his speech argument, saying really wants as clearly as possible to present their point of view, in some cases, ignoring the possible consequences of the evidence and the reaction of the recipient. In addition to this, argument is defined as «the technique of speech, aimed at convincing the interlocutor, the audience». [Ю.В. Рождественский, Принципы современной риторики, 1999].

Summarizing the above, it is believed that reasoned rhetorical question is a communicative activity, the purpose of which is to convince the recipient through the support of its position. In the process of argumentation speaking sells itself as a language person involved are his knowledge, common sense, his emotional state, as well as his social status. Reasoned rhetorical question is dynamic, as it encompasses the process of formulating a response. Therefore, we can say that it is associated primarily with the predication, as any thought is always predicative. The peculiarity of this process is to establish credibility. The ideal strategic objective argument — persuasive effect — achieved through the reliability and consistency of arguments. Social representations, concepts, incorporates the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and mental aspirations of the individual parcels are still in communication tactics and the strategy of communication, «led by» choice of language means.

Argumentative process can be regarded as a method of treatment beliefs in the cognitive system of the individual. The argument, in turn, begins to present as a component in the relationship of addresser and addressee. [D. Hample 1982]. It is reasonable. After the construction is not possible without understanding the argument to accept or reject the arguments only after their understanding, correlating with their belief system and his opponent.

Turning the argument in question can be characterized as one of the mental processes, because as a way of reasoning, using the argument — the thought process. [Г.А. Брутян 1992. С. 46], requiring mental activity, even if only at the time of production of the argument. As its main functions, it suggests an explanation, confirmation, correction, objection, etc. Of course, any speech acts leave a mental mark on the recipient’s head. However, the reasoning followed by a call from the memory components, components for a reasoned statement.

The cause of the argument, some linguists consider the disagreement between the participants of the communicative act. [Т.В. Губаева 1995; Н. Ю. Фанян 2000].

Therefore, there is often a rhetorical question with a negative emotional tone. In Spontaneous Communication argument often grows out of the conflict relationships, coupled with negative emotions (argument with a negative conflictual experience barged with negative emotion).) [M.A. Gilbert 1995. P. 2].

Unlike argumentative situation of conflict is that it involves a focus on conflict resolution verbal way. To take into account non-verbal aspects of communication, as well as a set of argumentative-relevant non-linguistic components. Linguistic identity is implemented as a kind of full understanding of personality, encapsulating the psychological, social, ethical, and other components, but refracted through its language, its discourse. [В.П. Конецкая 1997].

Practical argumentation in spontaneous communication reduces not to be true or false allegations, but rather to resolve the conflicting traffic.

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