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Определение университетского рейтинга

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16] Rennie, J.; Shih, L.; Teevan, J.; Karger, D. (2003). «Tackling the poor assumptions of Naive Bayes classifiers». ICML. 7] McLachlan, Geoffrey J.; Do, Kim-Anh; Ambroise, Christophe (2004). Analyzing microarray gene expression data. Wiley. 8] Geisser, Seymour (1993). Predictive Inference. New York, NY: Chapman and Hall. ISBN 0−412−3 471−9. 1] Cox, D.R., Hinkley, D.V. (1974) Theoretical… Читать ещё >

Список литературы. Определение университетского рейтинга (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

[1] Cox, D.R., Hinkley, D.V. (1974) Theoretical Statistics, Chapman & Hall. ISBN 0−412−12 420−3.

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[4] Hastie Trevor, Robert Tibshirani, Friedman Jerome (2009). The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data mining, Inference and Prediction. New York: Springer. pp. 485−586. ISBN 978−0-387−84 857−0.

[5] Estivill-Castro, Vladimir (20 June 2002). «Why so many clustering algorithms — A Position Paper». ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 4 (1): 65−75. doi:10.1145/568 574.568575.

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[7] McLachlan, Geoffrey J.; Do, Kim-Anh; Ambroise, Christophe (2004). Analyzing microarray gene expression data. Wiley.

[8] Geisser, Seymour (1993). Predictive Inference. New York, NY: Chapman and Hall. ISBN 0−412−3 471−9.

[9] Hirsch, Robert (1991). «Validation Samples». Biometrics 47 (3): 1193−1194.

[10] Kohavi, Ron (1995). «A study of cross-validation and bootstrap for accuracy estimation and model selection». Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2 (12): 1137−1143. (Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA).

[11] Ian H. Witten, «Text mining», Computer Science, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.

[12] Judit Bar-Ilan, «Informetrics at the beginning of the 21st century—A review», Journal of Informetrics 2 (2008) 1−52.

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[15] Jose Luis Ortega, Isidro F. Aguillo, «Mapping world-class universities on the web», Information Processing and Management 45 (2009) 272−279.

[16] Rennie, J.; Shih, L.; Teevan, J.; Karger, D. (2003). «Tackling the poor assumptions of Naive Bayes classifiers». ICML.

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