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Поверхностные явления при детонации конденсированных взрывчатых смесей

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Проанализированы отпечатки, оставляемые детонационным процессом на медных и латунных пластинах-свидетелях. Для сплавов тротил-дина получена зависимость шага пульсаций и частоты пульсаций детонации от состава смеси. Показано, что резкий переход от низкочастотных (около 2 МГц) к высокочастотным (5.3−5.4 МГц) пульсациям происходит при содержании дины в смеси 25%. Габдуллина А. Р., Козак Г. Д… Читать ещё >


  • 1. Введение
  • 2. Литературный обзор
  • 3. Методика проведения опытов
    • 3. 1. Характеристика исходных веществ
    • 3. 2. Изготовление литых зарядов из смесей ДНТ-тэн и ТНТ-дина
    • 3. 3. Изготовление зарядов из смесей октогена с парафином
    • 3. 4. Сборка зарядов
    • 3. 5. Фоторегистрация взрывного процесса
    • 3. 6. Определение критического диаметра детонаций
  • 4. Результаты экспериментов
    • 4. 1. Составы тротил-дина
    • 4. 2. Составы ДНТ-тэн
    • 4. 3. Системы парафин-октоген
  • 5. Обсуждение результатов
    • 5. 1. Составы тротил-дина
    • 5. 2. Составы ДНТ-тэн
    • 5. 3. Смеси парафин-октоген
    • 5. 4. Сравнение полученных результатов с данными предшествующих исследований
  • 6. Выводы
  • 7. Литература

Поверхностные явления при детонации конденсированных взрывчатых смесей (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

6. Выводы.

1. В работе исследованы критические условия распространения детонации литых зарядов из сплавов тротил-дина, динитротолуол-тэн и прессованных зарядов из смесей парафина с октогеном.

2. Определены зависимости точек затвердевания сплавов тротила и дины и динитротолуола и тэна от составов смесей.

3. Построена зависимость критического диаметра изученных систем от состава смеси.

При детонации сплавов тротил-дина, содержащих 15−25% дины в смеси обнаружены спиновые детонационные волны, распространяющиеся вдоль боковой поверхности с шагом около 3 мм. В этой области плавный ход зависимости сЦСдина) нарушается, так же как на исследованных ранее зависимостях для ТГ и пентолита. При детонации сплавов динитротолуол-тэн и смесей парафина с октогеном низкочастотных спиновых пульсаций не обнаружено. Получены наглядные фотографические иллюстрации следов, оставляемых спиновым детонационным процессом.

4. С помощью высокоскоростной фоторегистрации экспериментально измерены, и с помощью компьютерной программы 8Э рассчитаны скорости детонации изученных систем. Сравнение экспериментально измеренной и идеальной расчетной скорости детонации показало, что в области существования спиновых детонационных волн экспериментальные величины скорости детонации превышают расчетные, в то время как в их отсутствие экспериментальные значения скорости детонации всегда меньше расчетных.

5. Проанализированы отпечатки, оставляемые детонационным процессом на медных и латунных пластинах-свидетелях. Для сплавов тротил-дина получена зависимость шага пульсаций и частоты пульсаций детонации от состава смеси. Показано, что резкий переход от низкочастотных (около 2 МГц) к высокочастотным (5.3−5.4 МГц) пульсациям происходит при содержании дины в смеси 25%.

6. Зависимости критического диаметра детонации литых систем на основе тротила сопоставлены между собой. Экспериментально показано, что дина является менее эффективным сенсибилизатором тротила, чем тэн и гексоген. Проведены компьютерные расчета детонационных и ударно-волновых параметров литых систем. Показано, что повышенное сенсибилизирующее действие гексогена на тротил по сравнению с диной, связано с более высокой плотностью зарядов ТГ и, как следствие, с повышением давления детонации, температуры ударного разогрева и температуры Тз.

7. Результаты, полученные при исследовании поверхностных явлений при детонации высокоплотных систем тротил-дина, динитротолуол-тэн и парафин-октоген сопоставлены с литературными данными. Найдено, что расчетные параметры детонации систем, в которых наблюдаются низкочастотные спиновые пульсации: порох НБлитые заряды ТГ-12.5, ТГ-15, ТТ-13, тротил-дина 85/15, 80/20 и 75/25- жидкий раствор динитротолуол-дина 30/70 одинаковы. Скорость детонации Б=7.3−7.4 км/с и теплота взрыва (2=5.4 МДж/кг. При увеличении в смесях содержания сенсибилизирующего компонента (гексогена, тэна или дины) параметры детонации возрастают, частота пульсаций увеличивается до 6−7 МГц и детонационный процесс стабилизируется.

8. Проведен расчет напряжений в разрывных зарядах, находящихся в прочной металлической оболочке цилиндрической и конической формы при значительных перегрузках в поле массовых сил. Показано, что коэффициент бокового давления увеличивается при увеличении напряжения ст2 и приводит к тому, что радиальная составляющая тензора напряжений стг достигает величин, сопоставимых с аг и превышающих предел текучести ст5. Возможные боковые зазоры исчезают и явления, связанные с распространение волн химической реакции по образующей заряда, в реальных системах не оказывают влияния на детонационный процесс.

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52. Параметры детонации индивидуальных ВВ и некоторых смесей при расчетной плотности.

53. Explosive: DINA Formula: C4H8N408.

54. Oxygen balance: -26.7% Nitrogen content: 23.3% Density, g/cc: 1.670.

55. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -327.000.

56. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 7.88E+0000 6.72E-0001 1.19E+0001 8.90E+0000 9.12E-0001.

57. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 4.50E-0006 1.37E+0000 9.04E-0001 2.75E+0000 1.20E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 8269 Particle velocity, m/s: 1992 Detonation pressure, GPa: 27.51 Detonation temperature, K: 3685 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.455.

58. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5866 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.759 Polytropic exponent: 3.15.

59. Explosive: RDX Formula: C3H6N606.

60. Oxygen balance: -21.6% Nitrogen content: 37.8% Density, g/cc: 1.800.

61. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: 61.530.

62. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 1.30E+0001 3.98E-0001 9.66E+0000 7.30E+0000 5.38E-0001.

63. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 6.63E-0006 1.33E+0000 9.50E-0001 2.12E+0000 1.95E-0003.

64. Detonation velocity, m/s: 8959.

65. Particle velocity, m/s: 2248.

66. Detonation pressure, GPa: 36.24.

67. Detonation temperature, K: 3850.

68. Specific volume, cc/g: 0.416.

69. Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.762 Polytropic exponent: 2.99.

70. Explosive: TNT Formula: C7H5N306.

71. Oxygen balance: -74.0% Nitrogen content: 18.5% Density, g/cc: 1.640.

72. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -62.760.

73. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.33E+0000 1.01E+0000 9.83E+0000 5.74E+0000 9.80E-0001.

74. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.26E-0006 1.83E+0001 5.48E-0001 1.73E+0000 7.09E-0004.

75. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7304 Particle velocity, m/s: 1645 Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.70 Detonation temperature, K: 3547 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.472.

76. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5312 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.586 Polytropic exponent: 3.44.

77. Explosive: 24-DNT Formula: C7H6N204.

78. Oxygen balance: -114.2% Nitrogen content: 15.4% Density, g/cc: 1.520.

79. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -68.200.

80. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.12E+0000 5.73E-0001 6.81E+0000 7.77E+0000 1.20E+0000.

81. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 0.00E+0000 2.79E+0001 7.48E-0001 3.19E+0000 4.69E-0005.

82. Detonation velocity, m/s: 6555 Particle velocity, m/s: 13 911. JL".

83. Detonation pressure, GPa: 13.86 Detonation temperature, K: 2860 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.518.

84. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 4583 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.569 Polytropic exponent: 3.71.

85. Explosive: HMX Formula: C4H8N808.

86. Oxygen balance: -21.6% Nitrogen content: 37.8% Density, g/cc: 1.900.

87. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: 75.020.

88. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 1.31E+0001 2.35E-0001 9.46E+0000 7.87E+0000 3.45E-0001.

89. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 4.14E-0006 1.84E+0000 9.00E-0001 1.97E+0000 1.27E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 9298 Particle velocity, m/s: 2336 Detonation pressure, GPa: 41.26 Detonation temperature, K: 3711 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.394.

90. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 6174 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.758 Polytropic exponent: 2.98.

91. Explosive: PETN Formula: C5H8N4012.

92. Oxygen balance: -10.1% Nitrogen content: 17.7% Density, g/cc: 1.770.

93. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -551.770.

94. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.05E+0000 7.93E-0001 1.41E+0001 9.05E+0000 8.50E-0001.

95. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 5.49E-0005 O. OOE+OOOO 5.48E-0001 9.67E-0001 5.29E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 8465.

96. Particle velocity, m/s: 2056 Detonation pressure, GPa: 30.81 Detonation temperature, K: 4203 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.428.

97. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 623 8 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.724 Polytropic exponent: 3.12.

98. Explosive: DINA/TNT:90/10 Formula: C18.07H32.19N16.31 032.63 Oxygen balance: -31.4% Nitrogen content: 22.8% Density, g/cc: 1.667.

99. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -1253.216.

100. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 7.72E+0000 6.99E-0001 1.17E+0001 8.57E+0000 9.25E-0001.

101. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 4.25E-0006 3.05E+0000 8.70E-0001 2.64E+0000 1.15E-0003.

102. Detonation velocity, m/s: 8183 Particle velocity, m/s: 1955 Detonation pressure, GPa: 26.67 Detonation temperature, K: 3673 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.457.

103. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5811 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.742 Polytropic exponent: 3.18.

104. Explosive: DINA/TNT:80/20 Formula: C19.49H31.05N15.97 031.94.

105. Oxygen balance: -36.1% Nitrogen content: 22.4% Density, g/cc: 1.664.

106. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -1144.671.

107. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 7.57E+0000 7.24E-0001 1.15E+0001 8.26E+0000 9.34E-0001.

108. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 4.04E-0006 4.75E+0000 8.35E-0001 2.54E+0000 1.10E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 8094 Particle velocity, m/s: 1926 Detonation pressure, GPa: 25.94 Detonation temperature, K: 3664 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.458.

109. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5756 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.724 Polytropic exponent: 3.20.

110. Explosive: DINA/TNT:70/30 Formula: C20.91H29.92N15.62 031.25 Oxygen balance: -40.8% Nitrogen content: 21.9% Density, g/cc: 1.661.

111. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -1036.126.

112. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 7.41E+0000 7.53E-0001 1.13E+0001 7.94E+0000 9.45E-0001.

113. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.78E-0006 6.43E+0000 8.00E-0001 2.44E+0000 1.05E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 8004 Particle velocity, m/s: 1890 Detonation pressure, GPa: 25.12 Detonation temperature, K: 3651 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.460.

114. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5701 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.707 Polytropic exponent: 3.24.

115. Explosive: DINA/TNT:60/40 Formula: C22.32H28.79N15.28 030.56 Oxygen balance: -45.6% Nitrogen content: 21.4% Density, g/cc: 1.658.

116. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -927.581.

117. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 7.26E+0000 7.84E-0001 1.11E+0001 7.62E+0000 9.54E-0001.

118. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.55E-0006 8.12E+0000 7.64E-0001 2.34E+0000 1.00E-0003.

119. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7911 Particle velocity, m/s: 1856 Detonation pressure, GPa: 24.34 Detonation temperature, K: 3639 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.462.

120. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5646 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.690 Polytropic exponent: 3.26.

121. Explosive: DINA/TNT:50/50 Formula: C23.74H27.66N14.93 029.87 Oxygen balance: -50.3% Nitrogen content: 20.9% Density, g/cc: 1.655.

122. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -819.036.

123. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 7.10E+0000 8.16E-0001 1.09E+0001 7.30E+0000 9.62E-0001.

124. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.32E-0006 9.81E+0000 7.28E-0001 2.24E+0000 9.55E-0004.

125. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7816 Particle velocity, m/s: 1821 Detonation pressure, GPa: 23.55 Detonation temperature, K: 3625 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.464.

126. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5590 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.672 Polytropic exponent: 3.29.

127. Formula: C25.15H26.53N14.59 029.18 Oxygen balance: -55.0% Nitrogen content: 20.4% Density, g/cc: 1.652.

128. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -710.491.

129. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.95E+0000 8.49E-0001 1.07E+0001 6.99E+0000 9.69E-0001.

130. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.10E-0006 1.15E+0001 6.92E-0001 2.14E+0000 9.06E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7718 Particle velocity, m/s: 1786 Detonation pressure, GPa: 22.77 Detonation temperature, K: 3611 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.465.

131. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5535 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.655 Polytropic exponent: 3.32.

132. Explosive: DINA/TNT:30/70 Formula: C26.57H25.40N14.24 028.49 Oxygen balance: -59.8% Nitrogen content: 19.9% Density, g/cc: 1.649.

133. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -601.947.

134. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.79E+0000 8.85E-0001 1.05E+0001 6.68E+0000 9.74E-0001.

135. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.88E-0006 1.32E+0001 6.56E-0001 2.03E+0000 8.57E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7619 Particle velocity, m/s: 1751 Detonation pressure, GPa: 22.00 Detonation temperature, K: 3597 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.467.

136. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5480 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.638 Polytropic exponent: 3.35.

137. Formula: C27.99H24.27N13.90 027.80 Oxygen balance: -64.5% Nitrogen content: 19.5% Density, g/cc: 1.646.

138. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -493.402.

139. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.64E+0000 9.22E-0001 1.03E+0001 6.36E+0000 9.78E-0001.

140. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.67E-0006 1.49E+0001 6.20E-0001 1.93E+0000 8.07E-0004.

141. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7516 Particle velocity, m/s: 1716 Detonation pressure, GPa: 21.23 Detonation temperature, K: 3581 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.469.

142. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5424 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.621 Polytropic exponent: 3.38.

143. Explosive: DINA/TNT: 10/90 Formula: C29.40H23.14N13.55 027.il Oxygen balance: -69.2% Nitrogen content: 19.0% Density, g/cc: 1.643.

144. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -384.857.

145. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.48E+0000 9.63E-0001 1.00E+0001 6.05E+0000 9.80E-0001.

146. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.46E-0006 1.66E+0001 5.84E-0001 1.83E+7.57E-0004.

147. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7411.

148. Particle velocity, m/s: 1680.

149. Detonation pressure, GPa: 20.46.

150. Detonation temperature, K: 3565.

151. Specific volume, cc/g: 0.471.

152. Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.603 Polytropic exponent: 3.411. Explosive: RDX/TNT:90/10.

153. Formula: C15.24H26.51N25.63 026.95.

154. Oxygen balance: -26.8% Nitrogen content: 35.9%1. Density, g/cc: 1.783.

155. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: 221.682.

156. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 1.24E+0001 4.37E-0001 9.69E+0000 7.14E+0000 5.81E-0001.

157. C GR NH3 CH4 NO 6.16E-0006 3.04E+0000 9.21E-0001 2.08E+0000 1.85E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 8819 Particle velocity, m/s: 2178 Detonation pressure, GPa: 34.23 Detonation temperature, K: 3829 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.422.

158. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 6088 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.744 Polytropic exponent: 3.051. Explosive: RDX/TNT:80/20.

159. Formula: C16.97H26.01N24.25 026.89.

160. Oxygen balance: -32.1% Nitrogen content: 34.0%1. Density, g/cc: 1.766.

161. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: 166.350.

162. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 1.17E+0001 4.79E-0001 9.71E+0000 6.99E+0000 6.23E-0001.

163. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 5.73E-0006 4.75E+0000 8.89E-0001 2.03E+0000 1.74E-0003.

164. Detonation velocity, m/s: 8672.

165. Particle velocity, m/s: 2115.

166. Detonation pressure, GPa: 32.38.

167. Detonation temperature, K: 3808.

168. Specific volume, cc/g: 0.428.

169. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 6003 Volume of gases (nx), mA3/kg: 0.726 Polytropic exponent: 3.101. Explosive: RDX/TNT:70/30.

170. Formula: C18.70H25.51N22.87 026.83.

171. Oxygen balance: -37.3% Nitrogen content: 32.0%1. Density, g/cc: 1.749.

172. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: 111.017.

173. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 1.10E+0001 5.26E-0001 9.74E+0000 6.84E+0000 6.66E-0001.

174. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 5.27E-0006 6.45E+0000 8.53E-0001 1.99E+0000 1.62E-0003.

175. Detonation velocity, m/s: 8519 Particle velocity, m/s: 2053 Detonation pressure, GPa: 30.58 Detonation temperature, K: 3784 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.434.

176. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5919 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.708 Polytropic exponent: 3.151. Explosive: RDX/TNT:60/40.

177. Formula: C20.43H25.01N21.49 026.77.

178. Oxygen balance: -42.6% Nitrogen content: 30.1%1. Density, g/cc: 1.732.

179. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: 55.684.

180. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 1.03E+0001 5.86E-0001 9.76E+0000 6.68E+0000 7.22E-0001.

181. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 4.60E-0006 8.14E+0000 8.14E-0001 1.94E+0000 1.45E-0003.

182. Detonation velocity, m/s: 8361 Particle velocity, m/s: 1964 Detonation pressure, GPa: 28.45 Detonation temperature, K: 3745 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.442.

183. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5832 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.691 Polytropic exponent: 3.261. Explosive: RDX/TNT:50/50.

184. Formula: C22.16H24.51N20.11 026.71.

185. Oxygen balance: -47.8% Nitrogen content: 28.2%1. Density, g/cc: 1.716.

186. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: 0.351.

187. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 9.67E+0000 6.31E-0001 9.78E+0000 6.53E+0000 7.53E-0001.

188. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 4.38E-0006 9.85E+0000 7.74E-0001 1.91E+0000 1.36E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 8196 Particle velocity, m/s: 1936 Detonation pressure, GPa: 27.23 Detonation temperature, K: 3731 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.445.

189. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5748 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.673 Polytropic exponent: 3.231. Explosive: RDX/TNT:40/60.

190. Formula: C23.89H24.01N18.73 026.65.

191. Oxygen balance: -53.0% Nitrogen content: 26.2%1. Density, g/cc: 1.700.

192. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -54.981.

193. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 9.00E+0000 6.87E-0001 9.80E+0000 6.38E+0000 7.92E-0001.

194. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 4.00E-0006 1.15E+0001 7.32E-0001 1.87E+0000 1.24E-0003.

195. Detonation velocity, m/s: 8027 Particle velocity, m/s: 1889 Detonation pressure, GPa: 25.78 Detonation temperature, K: 3704 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.450.

196. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5663 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.655 Polytropic exponent: 3.251. Explosive: RDX/TNT:30/70.

197. Formula: C25.63H23.51N17.35 026.60.

198. Oxygen balance: -58.3% Nitrogen content: 24.3%1. Density, g/cc: 1.685.

199. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -110.314.

200. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 8.33E+0000 7.61E-0001 9.81E+0000 6.22E+0000 8.44E-0001.

201. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.47E-0006 1.32E+0001 6.87E-0001 1.83E+0000 1.09E-0003.

202. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7853 Particle velocity, m/s: 1817 Detonation pressure, GPa: 24.05 Detonation temperature, K: 3664 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.456.

203. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5575 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.638 Polytropic exponent: 3.321. Explosive: RDX/TNT:20/80.

204. Formula: C27.36H23.0IN 15.97 026.54.

205. Oxygen balance: -63.5% Nitrogen content: 22.4%1. Density, g/cc: 1.670.

206. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -165.647.

207. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H27.66E+0000 8.35E-0001 9.82E+0000 6.06E+0000 8.90E-0001.

208. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.04E-0006 1.49E+0001 6.42E-0001 1.80E+0000 9.57E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7674 Particle velocity, m/s: 1759 Detonation pressure, GPa: 22.54 Detonation temperature, K: 3628 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.462.

209. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5488 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.621 Polytropic exponent: 3.361. Explosive: RDX/TNT: 10/90.

210. Formula: C29.09H22.51N14.59 026.48.

211. Oxygen balance: -68.7% Nitrogen content: 20.4%1. Density, g/cc: 1.655.

212. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -220.979.

213. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 7.00E+0000 9.16E-0001 9.83E+0000 5.90E+0000 9.35E-0001.

214. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.64E-0006 1.66E+0001 5.95E-0001 1.76E+0000 8.30E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7491 Particle velocity, m/s: 1702 Detonation pressure, GPa: 21.09 Detonation temperature, K: 3589 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.467.

215. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5401 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.603 Polytropic exponent: 3.40.

216. Explosive: PETN/TNT:90/10 Formula: C17.32H24.98N12.71 036.80 Oxygen balance:-16.5% Nitrogen content: 17.8% Density, g/cc: 1.756.

217. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -1598.437.

218. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg).

219. N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.07E+0000 1.02E+0000 1.44E+0001 6.99E+0000 8.42E-0001.

220. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.02E-0005 O. OOE+OOOO 5.73E-0001 1.90E+0000 2.97E-0003.

221. Detonation velocity, m/s: 8368 Particle velocity, m/s: 2022 Detonation pressure, GPa: 29.72 Detonation temperature, K: 4076 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.432.

222. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 6115 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.712 Polytropic exponent: 3.14.

223. Explosive: PETN/TNT:80/20 Formula: C18.82H24.65N12.76 035.65 Oxygen balance: -22.9% Nitrogen content: 17.9% Density, g/cc: 1.742.

224. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -1451.534.

225. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.09E+0000 1.03E+0000 1.39E+0001 6.83E+0000 8.55E-0001.

226. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 1.62E-0005 2.01E+0000 5.72E-0001 1.89E+0000 2.58E-0003.

227. Detonation velocity, m/s: 8258 Particle velocity, m/s: 1983 Detonation pressure, GPa: 28.53 Detonation temperature, K: 4019 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.436.

228. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 6026 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.698 Polytropic exponent: 3.16.

229. Explosive: PETN/TNT:70/30 Formula: C20.32H24.32N12.82 034.50.

230. Oxygen balance: -29.3% Nitrogen content: 18.0% Density, g/cc: 1.729.

231. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -1304.631.

232. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.12E+0000 1.02E+0000 1.34E+0001 6.71E+0000 8.71E-0001.

233. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 1.31E-0005 4.05E+0000 5.71E-0001 1.86E+0000 2.25E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 8146 Particle velocity, m/s: 1940 Detonation pressure, GPa: 27.32 Detonation temperature, K: 3961 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.441.

234. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5937 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.684 Polytropic exponent: 3.20.

235. Explosive: PETN/TNT:60/40 Formula: C21.82H23.99N12.87 033.34 Oxygen balance:-35.7% Nitrogen content: 18.0% Density, g/cc: 1.716.

236. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -1157.728.

237. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.15E+0000 1.02E+0000 1.29E+0001 6.58E+0000 8.86E-0001.

238. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 1.04E-0005 6.09E+0000 5.69E-0001 1.84E+0000 1.95E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 8031 Particle velocity, m/s: 1900 Detonation pressure, GPa: 26.18 Detonation temperature, K: 3904 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.445.

239. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5848 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.670 Polytropic exponent: 3.23.

240. Explosive: PETN/TNT:50/50 Formula: C23.32H23.66N12.93 032.19.

241. Oxygen balance: -42.0% Nitrogen content: 18.1% Density, g/cc: 1.703.

242. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -1010.826.

243. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.18E+0000 1.02E+0000 1.24E+0001 6.45E+0000 9.03E-0001.

244. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 8.25E-0006 8.13E+0000 5.66E-0001 1.81E+0000 1.67E-0003.

245. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7915 Particle velocity, m/s: 1856 Detonation pressure, GPa: 25.01 Detonation temperature, K: 3844 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.450.

246. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5758 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.656 Polytropic exponent: 3.27.

247. Explosive: PETN/TNT:40/60 Formula: C24.82H23.33N12.99 031.03 Oxygen balance: -48.4% Nitrogen content: 18.2% Density, g/cc: 1.690.

248. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -863.923.

249. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.21E+0000 1.02E+0000 1.18E+0001 6.32E+0000 9.18E-0001.

250. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 6.49E-0006 1.02E+0001 5.64E-0001 1.79E+1.43E-0003.

251. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7797.

252. Particle velocity, m/s: 1814.

253. Detonation pressure, GPa: 23.89.

254. Detonation temperature, K: 3786.

255. Specific volume, cc/g: 0.454.

256. Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.642 Polytropic exponent: 3.30.

257. Explosive: PETN/TNT:30/70 Formula: C26.32H23.00N13.4 029.88 Oxygen balance:-54.8% Nitrogen content: 18.3% Density, g/cc: 1.677.

258. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -717.020.

259. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.24E+0000 1.01E+0000 1.13E+0001 6.18E+0000 9.34E-0001.

260. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 5.06E-0006 1.22E+0001 5.60E-0001 1.77E+0000 1.21E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7677 Particle velocity, m/s: 1772 Detonation pressure, GPa: 22.81 Detonation temperature, K: 3726 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.459.

261. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5580 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.628 Polytropic exponent: 3.33.

262. Explosive: PETN/TNT:20/80 Formula: C27.82H22.67N13.10 028.72 Oxygen balance: -61.2% Nitrogen content: 18.3% Density, g/cc: 1.664.

263. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -570.118.

264. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.27E+0000 1.01E+0000 1.08E+0001 6.04E+0000 9.49E-0001.

265. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.91E-0006 1.42E+0001 5.57E-0001 1.76E+0000 1.02E-0003.

266. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7554.

267. Particle velocity, m/s: 1730.

268. Detonation pressure, GPa: 21.75.

269. Detonation temperature, K: 3667.

270. Specific volume, cc/g: 0.463.

271. Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.614 Polytropic exponent: 3.37.

272. Explosive: PETN/TNT: 10/90 Formula: C29.32H22.34N13.15 027.57 Oxygen balance: -67.6% Nitrogen content: 18.4% Density, g/cc: 1.652.

273. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -423.215.

274. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.30E+0000 1.01E+0000 1.03E+0001 5.89E+0000 9.65E-0001.

275. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.99E-0006 1.62E+0001 5.52E-0001 1.74E+0000 8.54E-0004.

276. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7430 Particle velocity, m/s: 1687 Detonation pressure, GPa: 20.71 Detonation temperature, K: 3607 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.468.

277. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5402 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.600 Polytropic exponent: 3.40.

278. Параметры детонации смесей Дина/ТНТ при эксп Плотности.

279. Explosive: DINA/TNT: 15/85 Formula: С28.69Н23.7IN 13.73 027.45 Oxygen balance: -66.9% Nitrogen content: 19.2% Density, g/cc: 1.590.

280. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -439.129.

281. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.57E+0000 1.21E+0000 1.02E+0001 5.93E+0000 1.15E+2 С GR NH3 CH4 NO2.84E-0006 1.54E+0001 5.85E-0001 1.95E+0000 8.48E-0004.

282. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7235.

283. Particle velocity, m/s: 1664.

284. Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.14.

285. Detonation temperature, K: 3596.

286. Specific volume, cc/g: 0.484.

287. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5365.

288. Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.6171. Polytropic exponent: 3.35.

289. Explosive: DINA/TNT: 15/85 Formula: C28.69H23.71N13.73 027.45 Oxygen balance:-66.9% Nitrogen content: 19.2% Density, g/cc: 1.610.

290. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -439.129.

291. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.57E+0000 1.10E+0000 1.02E+0001 6.04E+0000 1.08E+0000.

292. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.74E-0006 1.55E+0001 5.92E-0001 1.92E+0000 8.25E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7319 Particle velocity, m/s: 1677 Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.76 Detonation temperature, K: 3589 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.479.

293. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5377 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.615 Polytropic exponent: 3.36.

294. Explosive: DINA/TNT: 15/85 Formula: C28.69H23.71N13.73 027.45 Oxygen balance: -66.9% Nitrogen content: 19.2% Density, g/cc: 1.580.

295. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -439.129.

296. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.57E+0000 1.27E+0000 1.01E+0001 5.89E+0000 1.18E+0000.

297. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.89E-0006 1.53E+0001 5.82E-0001 1.96E+0000 8.59E-0004.

298. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7193 Particle velocity, m/s: 1658 Detonation pressure, GPa: 18.84 Detonation temperature, K: 3600 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.487.

299. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5359 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.618 Polytropic exponent: 3.34.

300. Explosive: DINA/TNT:20/80 Formula: C27.99H24.27N13.90 027.80 Oxygen balance: -64.5% Nitrogen content: 19.5% Density, g/cc: 1.590.

301. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -493.402.

302. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.65E+0000 1.20E+0000 1.03E+0001 6.08E+0000 1.15E+0000.

303. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.96E-0006 1.45E+0001 6.02E-0001 2.00E+0000 8.76E-0004.

304. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7283 Particle velocity, m/s: 1678 Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.43 Detonation temperature, K: 3605 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.484.

305. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5393 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.626 Polytropic exponent: 3.34.

306. Explosive: DINA/TNT:20/80 Formula: C27.99H24.27N13.90 027.80 Oxygen balance: -64.5% Nitrogen content: 19.5% Density, g/cc: 1.580.

307. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -493.402.

308. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H26.65E+0000 1.25E+0000 1.03E+0001 6.03E+0000 1.19E+0000.

309. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.02E-0006 1.45E+0001 5.99E-0001 2.01E+0000 8.90E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7241 Particle velocity, m/s: 1674 Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.15 Detonation temperature, K: 3610 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.487.

310. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5387 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.627 Polytropic exponent: 3.33.

311. Explosive: DINA/TNT:20/80 Formula: C27.99H24.27N 13.90 027.80 Oxygen balance: -64.5% Nitrogen content: 19.5% Density, g/cc: 1.600.

312. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -493.402.

313. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.65E+0000 1.14E+0000 1.03E+0001 6.13E+0000 1.12E+0000.

314. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.91E-0006 1.46E+0001 6.06E-0001 1.99E+0000 8.65E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7324 Particle velocity, m/s: 1685 Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.75 Detonation temperature, K: 3601 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.481.

315. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5399 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.625 Polytropic exponent: 3.35.

316. Explosive: DINA/TNT: 15/85 Formula: C28.69H23.71N13.73 027.45 Oxygen balance: -66.9% Nitrogen content: 19.2% Density, g/cc: 1.590.

317. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -439.129.

318. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H26.57E+0000 1.21E+0000 1.02E+0001 5.93E+0000 1.15E+0000.

319. CGR NH3 CH4 N0 2.84E-0006 1.54E+0001 5.85E-0001 1.95E+0000 8.48E-0004.

320. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7235 Particle velocity, m/s: 1664 Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.14 Detonation temperature, K: 3596 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.484.

321. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5365 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.617 Polytropic exponent: 3.35.

322. Explosive: DINA/TNT:25/75 Formula: C27.28H24.84N14.7 028.14 Oxygen balance:-62.1% Nitrogen content: 19.7% Density, g/cc: 1.610.

323. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -547.674.

324. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.72E+0000 1.07E+0000 1.04E+0001 6.32E+0000 1.09E+0000.

325. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.00E-0006 1.38E+0001 6.27E-0001 2.03E+0000 8.85E-0004.

326. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7410 Particle velocity, m/s: 1711 Detonation pressure, GPa: 20.41 Detonation temperature, K: 3607 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.478.

327. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5431 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.633 Polytropic exponent: 3.331. Explosive: DINA/TNT:25/75.

328. Formula: C27.28H24.84N14.7 028.14.

329. Oxygen balance: -62.1% Nitrogen content: 19.7%1. Density, g/cc: 1.590.

330. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -547.674.

331. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.72E+0000 1.18E+0000 1.04E+0001 6.22E+0000 1.16E+0000.

332. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.08E-0006 1.37E+0001 6.20E-0001 2.06E+0000 9.05E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7328 Particle velocity, m/s: 1692 Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.72 Detonation temperature, K: 3613 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.484.

333. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5419 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.635 Polytropic exponent: 3.33.

334. Explosive: DINA/TNT:25/75 Formula: C27.28H24.84N14.7 028.14 Oxygen balance: -62.1% Nitrogen content: 19.7% Density, g/cc: 1.550.

335. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -547.674.

336. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.73E+0000 1.41E+0000 1.04E+0001 6.01E+0000 1.29E+0000.

337. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.32E-0006 1.34E+0001 6.06E-0001 2.10E+0000 9.57E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7163 Particle velocity, m/s: 1672 Detonation pressure, GPa: 18.56 Detonation temperature, K: 3630 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.495.

338. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5393 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.639 Polytropic exponent: 3.291. Explosive: DINA/TNT:25/75.

339. Formula: C27.28H24.84N14.7 028.14.

340. Oxygen balance: -62.1% Nitrogen content: 19.7%1. Density, g/cc: 1.560.

341. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -547.674.

342. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.73E+0000 1.35E+0000 1.04E+0001 6.06E+0000 1.26E+0000.

343. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.26E-0006 1.35E+0001 6.10E-0001 2.09E+0000 9.44E-0004.

344. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7204 Particle velocity, m/s: 1677 Detonation pressure, GPa: 18.85 Detonation temperature, K: 3626 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.492.

345. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5400 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.638 Polytropic exponent: 3.30.

346. Explosive: DINA/TNT:30/70 Formula: C26.57H25.40N14.24 028.49 Oxygen balance: -59.8% Nitrogen content: 19.9% Density, g/cc: 1.550.

347. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -601.947.

348. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.81E+0000 1.39E+0000 1.05E+0001 6.15E+0000 1.30E+0000.

349. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.48E-0006 1.25E+0001 6.23E-0001 2.16E+9.92E-0004.

350. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7210.

351. Particle velocity, m/s: 1687.

352. Detonation pressure, GPa: 18.86.

353. Detonation temperature, K: 3640.

354. Specific volume, cc/g: 0.494.

355. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5421 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.648.

356. Explosive: DINA/TNT:30/70 Formula: C26.57H25.40N14.24 028.49 Oxygen balance:-59.8% Nitrogen content: 19.9% Density, g/cc: 1.500.

357. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -601.947.

358. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.82E+0000 1.73E+0000 1.04E+0001 5.89E+0000 1.48E+0000.

359. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.74E-0006 1.22E+0001 6.03E-0001 2.21E+0000 1.05E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7010 Particle velocity, m/s: 1658 Detonation pressure, GPa: 17.44 Detonation temperature, K: 3656 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.509.

360. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5385 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.653 Polytropic exponent: 3.23.

361. Explosive: DINA/TNT:30/70 Formula: C26.57H25.40N14.24 028.49 Oxygen balance: -59.8% Nitrogen content: 19.9% Density, g/cc: 1.580.

362. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -601.947.

363. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.80E+0000 1.22E+0000 1.05E+0001 6.31E+0000 1.20E+0000.

364. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.31E-0006 1.27E+0001 6.35E-0001 2.12E+0000 9.56E-0004.

365. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7332.

366. Particle velocity, m/s: 1707.

367. Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.78.

368. Detonation temperature, K: 3629.

369. Specific volume, cc/g: 0.486.

370. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5441 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.644.

371. Explosive: DINA/TNT:35/65 Formula: C25.86H25.97N14.42 028.83 Oxygen balance: -57.4% Nitrogen content: 20.2% Density, g/cc: 1.550.

372. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -656.219.

373. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.89E+0000 1.38E+0000 1.06E+0001 6.29E+0000 1.31E+0000.

374. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.62E-0006 1.17E+0001 6.41E-0001 2.21E+0000 1.02E-0003.

375. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7255 Particle velocity, m/s: 1702 Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.14 Detonation temperature, K: 3649 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.494.

376. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5448 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.656 Polytropic exponent: 3.26.

377. Explosive: DINA/TNT:35/65 Formula: C25.86H25.97N14.42 028.83 Oxygen balance: -57.4% Nitrogen content: 20.2% Density, g/cc: 1.570.

378. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -656.219.

379. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.89E+0000 1.26E+0000 1.06E+0001 6.40E+0000 1.24E+0000.

380. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.50E-0006 1.18E+0001 6.49E-0001 2.19E+0000 9.99E-0004.

381. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7336 Particle velocity, m/s: 1715 Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.75.

382. Detonation temperature, K: 3641 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.488.

383. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5461 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.654 Polytropic exponent: 3.28.

384. Explosive: DINA/TNT:35/65 Formula: C25.86H25.97N 14.42 028.83 Oxygen balance: -57.4% Nitrogen content: 20.2% Density, g/cc: 1.510.

385. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -656.219.

386. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.90E+0000 1.63E+0000 1.06E+0001 6.08E+0000 1.45E+0000.

387. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.87E-0006 1.14E+0001 6.25E-0001 2.26E+0000 1.08E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7095 Particle velocity, m/s: 1682 Detonation pressure, GPa: 18.02 Detonation temperature, K: 3664 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.505.

388. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5419 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.661 Polytropic exponent: 3.22.

389. Explosive: DINA/TNT:35/65 Formula: C25.86H25.97N14.42 028.83 Oxygen balance: -57.4% Nitrogen content: 20.2% Density, g/cc: 1.560.

390. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -656.219.

391. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.89E+0000 1.32E+0000 1.06E+0001 6.34E+0000 1.27E+0000.

392. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.56E-0006 1.18E+0001 6.45E-0001 2.20E+0000 1.01E-0003 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7296 Particle velocity, m/s: 1708 Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.44.

393. Detonation temperature, K: 3645 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.491.

394. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5455 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.655 Polytropic exponent: 3.27.

395. Explosive: DINA/TNT:40/60 Formula: C25.15H26.53N14.59 029.18 Oxygen balance: -55.0% Nitrogen content: 20.4% Density, g/cc: 1.550.

396. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -710.491.

397. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.96E+0000 1.36E+0000 1.07E+0001 6.43E+0000 1.31E+0000.

398. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.81E-0006 1.08E+0001 6.59E-0001 2.27E+0000 1.07E-0003.

399. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7301 Particle velocity, m/s: 1721 Detonation pressure, GPa: 19.48 Detonation temperature, K: 3660 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.493.

400. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5476 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.665 Polytropic exponent: 3.24.

401. Explosive: DINA/TNT:40/60 Formula: C25.15H26.53N14.59 029.18 Oxygen balance: -55.0% Nitrogen content: 20.4% Density, g/cc: 1.610.

402. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -710.491.

403. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.95E+0000 1.04E+0000 1.07E+0001 6.76E+0000 1.10E+2 C GR NH3 CH4 NO3.40Е-0006 1.12Е+0001 6.80Е-0001 2.19Е+0000 9.77Е-0004.

404. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7545.

405. Particle velocity, m/s: 1758.

406. Detonation pressure, GPa: 21.36.

407. Detonation temperature, K: 3634.

408. Specific volume, cc/g: 0.476.

409. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5513.

410. Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.6591. Polytropic exponent: 3.29.

411. Explosive: DINA/TNT:45/55 Formula: C24.45H27.10N14.76 029.52 Oxygen balance: -52.7% Nitrogen content: 20.7% Density, g/cc: 1.620.

412. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -764.764.

413. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 7.03E+0000 9.76E-0001 1.08E+0001 6.96E+0000 1.07E+0000.

414. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.45E-0006 1.04E+0001 7.01E-0001 2.23E+0000 9.87E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7629 Particle velocity, m/s: 1780 Detonation pressure, GPa: 22.00 Detonation temperature, K: 3636 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.473.

415. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5545 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.667 Polytropic exponent: 3.29.

416. Результаты расчета параметров детонации составов ДНТ-тэн при рСр

417. Explosive: 24-DNT/PETN:90/10.

418. Formula: C36.17H32.18N11.15 023.56.

419. Oxygen balance: -103.8% Nitrogen content: 15.6%1. Density, g/cc: 1.510.

420. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -511.533.

421. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.22E+0000 7.37E-0001 7.62E+0000 7.59E+0000 1.29E+0000.

422. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 0.00E+0000 2.48E+0001 7.18E-0001 3.07E+0000 8.46E-0005.

423. Detonation velocity, m/s: 6608 Particle velocity, m/s: 1434 Detonation pressure, GPa: 14.30 Detonation temperature, K: 2984 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.519.

424. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 4729 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.588 Polytropic exponent: 3.61.

425. Explosive: 24-DNT/PETN:87/13.

426. Formula: C35.49H31.95N11.20 024.04.

427. Oxygen balance: -100.7% Nitrogen content: 15.7%1. Density, g/cc: 1.510.

428. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -552.660.

429. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.24E+0000 7.81E-0001 7.85E+0000 7.55E+0000 1.31E+0000.

430. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 0.00E+0000 2.38E+0001 7.11E-0001 3.02E+0000 9.98E-0005.

431. Detonation velocity, m/s: 6638 Particle velocity, m/s: 1447 Detonation pressure, GPa: 14.51 Detonation temperature, K: 3020 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.518.

432. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 4774 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.593 Polytropic exponent: 3.59.

433. Explosive: 24-DNT/PETN:85/15 Formula: C35.04H31.80N11.23 024.36 Oxygen balance: -98.6% Nitrogen content: 15.7% Density, g/cc: 1.510.

434. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -580.078.

435. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.26E+0000 8.00E-0001 8.01E+0000 7.54E+0000 1.31E+0000.

436. CGR NH3 CH4 NO O. OOE+OOOO 2.32E+0001 7.09E-0001 2.99E+0000 1.13E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 6658 Particle velocity, m/s: 1469 Detonation pressure, GPa: 14.77 Detonation temperature, K: 3050 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.516.

437. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 4806 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.596 Polytropic exponent: 3.53.

438. Explosive: 24-DNT/PETN:80/20 Formula: C33.91H31.4IN 11.32 025.16 Oxygen balance: -93.4% Nitrogen content: 15.9% Density, g/cc: 1.510.

439. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -648.623.

440. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.31E+0000 8.85E-0001 8.41E+0000 7.46E+0000 1.34E+0000.

441. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.73E-0007 2.17E+0001 6.96E-0001 2.93E+0000 1.46E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 6710 Particle velocity, m/s: 1483 Detonation pressure, GPa: 15.03 Detonation temperature, K: 3108 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.516.

442. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 4879 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.606 Polytropic exponent: 3.52.

443. Explosive: 24-DNT/PETN:75/25 Formula: C32.78H31.03N11.40 025.96 Oxygen balance: -88.2% Nitrogen content: 16.0% Density, g/cc: 1.520.

444. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -717.168.

445. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.35E+0000 9.19E-0001 8.79E+0000 7.45E+0000 1.33E+0000.

446. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.87E-0007 2.02E+0001 6.91E-0001 2.85E+0000 1.87E-0004.

447. Detonation velocity, m/s: 6807 Particle velocity, m/s: 1513 Detonation pressure, GPa: 15.65 Detonation temperature, K: 3170 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.512.

448. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 4959 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.613 Polytropic exponent: 3.50.

449. Explosive: 24-DNT/PETN:70/30 Formula: C31.65H30.65N11.48 026.76 Oxygen balance: -83.0% Nitrogen content: 16.1% Density, g/cc: 1.540.

450. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -785.712.

451. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.39E+0000 9.06E-0001 9.17E+0000 7.51E+0000 1.27E+0000.

452. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 5.36E-0007 1.88E+0001 6.91E-0001 2.76E+0000 2.35E-0004.

453. Detonation velocity, m/s: 6946 Particle velocity, m/s: 1552 Detonation pressure, GPa: 16.60 Detonation temperature, K: 3230 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.504.

454. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5045 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.620 Polytropic exponent: 3.47.

455. Formula: C30.52H30.27N11.57 027.56 Oxygen balance: -77.8% Nitrogen content: 16.2% Density, g/cc: 1.540.

456. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -854.257.

457. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.45E+0000 9.85E-0001 9.58E+0000 7.42E+0000 1.29E+0000.

458. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 7.62E-0007 1.73E+0001 6.80E-0001 2.70E+0000 3.02E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 6996 Particle velocity, m/s: 1579 Detonation pressure, GPa: 17.01 Detonation temperature, K: 3296 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.503.

459. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5120 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.629 Polytropic exponent: 3.43.

460. Explosive: 24-DNT/PETN:60/40 Formula: C29.39H29.89N11.65 028.36 Oxygen balance: -72.6% Nitrogen content: 16.3% Density, g/cc: 1.550.

461. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -922.802.

462. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.49E+0000 1.02E+0000 9.97E+0000 7.40E+0000 1.28E+0000.

463. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 1.06E-0006 1.58E+0001 6.72E-0001 2.63E+0000 3.80E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7089 Particle velocity, m/s: 1610 Detonation pressure, GPa: 17.69 Detonation temperature, K: 3360 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.499.

464. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5200 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.638 Polytropic exponent: 3.40.

465. Formula: C28.26H29.5 IN 11.73 029.16 Oxygen balance: -67.4% Nitrogen content: 16.4% Density, g/cc: 1.550.

466. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -991.347.

467. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.53E+0000 1.11E+0000 1.04E+0001 7.30E+0000 1.30E+0000.

468. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 1.48E-0006 1.42E+0001 6.61E-0001 2.58E+0000 4.83E-0004.

469. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7138 Particle velocity, m/s: 1637 Detonation pressure, GPa: 18.11 Detonation temperature, K: 3429 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.497.

470. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5274 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.647 Polytropic exponent: 3.36.

471. Explosive: 24-DNT/PETN:50/50 Formula: C27.12H29.12N11.82 029.96 Oxygen balance: -62.1% Nitrogen content: 16.6% Density, g/cc: 1.540.

472. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -1059.891.

473. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.59E+0000 1.26E+0000 1.08E+0001 7.14E+0000 1.36E+0000.

474. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 2.09E-0006 1.25E+0001 6.46E-0001 2.55E+6.18E-0004.

475. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7146.

476. Particle velocity, m/s: 1657.

477. Detonation pressure, GPa: 18.24.

478. Detonation temperature, K: 3502.

479. Specific volume, cc/g: 0.499.

480. Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.657 Polytropic exponent: 3.31.

481. Explosive: 24-DNT/PETN:40/60 Formula: C24.86H28.36N11.98 031.56 Oxygen balance: -51.7% Nitrogen content: 16.8% Density, g/cc: 1.620.

482. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -1196.981.

483. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.66E+0000 1.02E+0000 1.16E+0001 7.39E+0000 1.12E+0000.

484. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 3.40E-0006 9.92E+0000 6.51E-0001 2.35E+0000 8.64E-0004 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7572 Particle velocity, m/s: 1759 Detonation pressure, GPa: 21.58 Detonation temperature, K: 3613 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.474.

485. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5536 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.667 Polytropic exponent: 3.30.

486. Explosive: 24-DNT/PETN:30/70 Formula: C22.60H27.60N12.15 033.16 Oxygen balance:-41.3% Nitrogen content: 17.0% Density, g/cc: 1.610.

487. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -1334.071.

488. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.76E+0000 1.26E+0000 1.24E+0001 7.09E+0000 1.19E+0000.

489. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 6.35E-0006 6.65E+0000 6.24E-0001 2.29E+0000 1.35E-0003.

490. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7623.

491. Particle velocity, m/s: 1805.

492. Detonation pressure, GPa: 22.15 Detonation temperature, K: 3764.

493. Specific volume, cc/g: 0.474.

494. Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.686 Polytropic exponent: 3.22.

495. Параметры детонации смесей парафин-октоген при1. Pep1. Explosive: HMX/PAR:80/20.

496. Formula: C24.96H51.34N21.61 021.61.

497. Oxygen balance: -86.4% Nitrogen content: 30.3%1. Density, g/cc: 1.490.

498. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -204.390.

499. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 9.89E+0000 1.87E-0001 4.96E+0000 1.15E+0001 9.58E-0001.

500. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 0.00E+0000 1.46E+0001 1.84E+0000 5.22E+0000 4.79E-0005.

501. Detonation velocity, m/s: 7736 Particle velocity, m/s: 1767 Detonation pressure, GPa: 20.36 Detonation temperature, K: 2838 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.518.

502. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 5110 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.774 Polytropic exponent: 3.381. Explosive: HMX/PAR:75/25.

503. Formula: C27.83H57.42N20.26 020.26.

504. Oxygen balance: -102.6% Nitrogen content: 28.4%1. Density, g/cc: 1.430.

505. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -318.815.

506. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 9.13E+0000 1.45E-0001 3.99E+0000 1.21E+0001 1.02E+2 CGR NH3 CH4 NO.

507. O. OOE+OOOO 1.74E+0001 2.00E+0000 6.28E+0000 1.57E-0005 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7454 Particle velocity, m/s: 1675 Detonation pressure, GPa: 17.85 Detonation temperature, K: 2634 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.542.

508. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 4848 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.777 Polytropic exponent: 3.451. Explosive: HMX/PAR:70/30.

509. Formula: C30.69H63.50N18.91 018.91.

510. Oxygen balance: -118.7% Nitrogen content: 26.5%1. Density, g/cc: 1.360.

511. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -433.240.

512. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 8.41E+0000 1.23E-0001 3.22E+0000 1.23E+0001 1.13E+0000.

513. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 0.00E+0000 1.98E+0001 2.09E+0000 7.57E+0000 4.90E-0006 Detonation velocity, m/s: 7103 Particle velocity, m/s: 1572 Detonation pressure, GPa: 15.19 Detonation temperature, K: 2450 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.573.

514. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 4580 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.781 Polytropic exponent: 3.521. Explosive: HMX/PAR:65/35.

515. Formula: C33.55H69.58N17.56 017.56.

516. Oxygen balance: -134.9% Nitrogen content: 24.6%1. Density, g/cc: 1.270.

517. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -547.666.

518. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 7.76E+0000 1.27E-0001 2.71E+0000 1.20E+0001 1.35E+0000 02 C GR NH3 CH4 NO.

519. O. OOE+OOOO 2.15E+0001 2.03E+0000 9.19E+0000 1.52E-0006.

520. Detonation velocity, m/s: 6623 Particle velocity, m/s: 1455 Detonation pressure, GPa: 12.23 Detonation temperature, K: 2286 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.614.

521. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 4304 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.788 Polytropic exponent: 3.551. Explosive: HMX/PAR:60/40.

522. Formula: C36.42H75.66N16.21 016.21.

523. Oxygen balance: -151.1% Nitrogen content: 22.7%1. Density, g/cc: 1.250.

524. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -662.091.

525. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 7.03E+0000 6.86E-0002 1.94E+0000 1.23E+0001 1.16E+0000.

526. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 0.00E+0000 2.38E+0001 2.16E+0000 1.06E+0001 0.00E+0000.

527. Detonation velocity, m/s: 6525 Particle velocity, m/s: 1404 Detonation pressure, GPa: 11.46 Detonation temperature, K: 2109 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.628.

528. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 4050 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.789 Polytropic exponent: 3.651. Explosive: HMX/PAR:55/45.

529. Formula: C39.28H81.75N14.86 014.86.

530. Oxygen balance: -167.3% Nitrogen content: 20.8%1. Density, g/cc: 1.180.

531. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -776.516.

532. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg).

533. N2 CO C02 H20 H2 6.42E+0000 5.96E-0002 1.56E+0000 1.17E+0001 1.24E+0000.

534. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 0.00E+0000 2.52E+0001 2.02E+0000 1.25E+0001 0.00E+0000 Detonation velocity, m/s: 6133 Particle velocity, m/s: 1311 Detonation pressure, GPa: 9.48 Detonation temperature, K: 1961 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.666.

535. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 3779 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.794 Polytropic exponent: 3.681. Explosive: HMX/PAR:50/50.

536. Formula: C42.14H87.83N13.51 013.51.

537. Oxygen balance: -183.5% Nitrogen content: 18.9%1. Density, g/cc: 1.160.

538. Enthalpy of formation, kJ/mol: -890.942.

539. Equilibrium products composition (mol/kg) N2 CO C02 H20 H2 5.72E+0000 2.93E-0002 1.04E+0000 1.14E+0001 1.02E+0000.

540. CGR NH3 CH4 NO 0.00E+0000 2.69E+0001 2.07E+0000 1.42E+0001 0.00E+0000 Detonation velocity, m/s: 6037 Particle velocity, m/s: 1263 Detonation pressure, GPa: 8.85 Detonation temperature, K: 1807 Specific volume, cc/g: 0.682.

541. Heat of detonation (Qv), kJ/kg: 3520 Volume of gases (n.c), mA3/kg: 0.795 Polytropic exponent: 3.78.

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